Sunday, June 17, 2012

wholesale nike air max quietly entered the preparation room inside the case and guess about the nfl

l cursed idiot, ordnance warehouse ventilation do? reduce air flow to keep dry to prevent arms and ammunition oxidative damage, and how to build ventilation ducts?
nfl jumping from the roof, walking in a circle around the warehouse, there is nothing found, the ED also next to the 2nd warehouse went, the nfl see on the 2nd warehouse and One warehouse is a bit different, the side room. This room lights, nfl decide whether or no one, can not go home empty handed. nfl approached only to find that firearms custody preparedness room, maybe the whole room can directly enter the 2nd ordnance warehouse. the door is still open. into the nfl look, in addition to an older, other people around bragging playing cards, storage room with external channel bulletproof door is not closed, nfl to Antan own luck, quietly entered the preparation room inside the case and guess about the nfl, and sure enough the door leading to the warehouse door is still open, this strange luck, nfl believe his character is completely broke out.
nfl into the warehouse, the schedule is full to the gun on the shelf is quite spectacular, never not seen so many guns, even at the federal, because the Federation is to produce a set of armor corresponds to a gun, because the production rate fast, there is no reserve. the nfl rough estimate,wholesale nike air max, each shelf layer 100 gun, and lower-ranking is 300, 6 horizontal shelf is composed of a row, a total of more than 30 rows, estimated to have at least 50,000 guns in the warehouse, the lowest level of the shelf is a small box unloaded, neat yards where nfl is not interested in assault rifles and carbines in front on the shelf, but here bullet is a standard 5.56 mm caliber military bullets, AUG used in ammunition, the nfl suddenly added 20,000 rounds of ammunition, 20,000 rounds of ammunition to two small ammunition boxes, the space volume of the crystal is growing, not worry about bullets so little volume.
nfl a big box in the back of the shelf to see, this is a sniper rifle and its suite of portable box. chose the 7.62 mm caliber M110SASS of the United States as a soft target destruction with just the results of the online search gun portable box components complete with a multi-gun tube muffler components, this is the nfl urban sniper needs most anti-materiel sniper rifle has a 12.7 mm caliber, M95, is selected, this gun can solve the light armored targets within 900 meters, with special warheads penetrate 100MM of armor is not a problem. nfl insurance, and each gun two sets, supporting the standard bullets, special warheads, such as off shell, armor-piercing incendiary each took thousands of pieces.
nfl choose the right gun to fit in the space crystal,jordan basketball shoes, quietly back out, back to the urban areas. careful to avoid the guards, to choose the right rooftop to remove M110SASS installed, coupled with the muffler, it is aimed office. side of the Internet, ghost armor while waiting for the emergence of the target.
nfl point in the sniper to wait until the ten in the morning did not find the target in the office. nfl This depressed think he is now a man alone, there is no real-time intelligence sources, do not know the target rows

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